A few comments on the phenomenon of the combining of categories of dialectal substantival derivatives which contain functional character
The subject of discussion made the issue of categorical multifunctionality of dialectal substantival derivatives. Subjected to the interpretation the derivational material obtained from lexical store of about 30,000 entries accumulated in The folk vocabulary of former provinces of Lodz and Kielce [Dejna, 1974–1985]. Selected derivatives are categorized after taking the relevant methods of typological, functional-segmental and in/chronic word formation into consideration. The selected image revealed both directions of the acquisition of new meanings by the derived units and showed the regularity and the model of mechanismes which introducing derivatives in other areas of the categorical semantics.Downloads
— Updated on 2018-12-08
How to Cite
Gala-Milczarek, B. (2018). A few comments on the phenomenon of the combining of categories of dialectal substantival derivatives which contain functional character: http://doi.org/10.26485/RKJ/2017/64/5. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 64, 59–72. Retrieved from https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/142