How does the artist think? – an analysis of Grzegorz Sztabiński's works
Grzegorz Sztabiński, Polish modern art, installation art, geometric art, conceptualism, intellectualization of artAbstract
The author starts with the question that Grzegorz Sztabiński asked in 1991 in the introduction to his book Problemy intelektualizacji sztuki w tendencjach awangardowych (Problems of intellectualization of art in avantgarde tendencies) – "Does the artist need thinking?" Then she discusses Sztabiński's artistic activity, taking into consideration his texts devoted to his own work. The author purposefully omits Sztabiński's books and numerous articles related to purely theoretical issues, as well as those from the domain of artistic critique, and concentrates on his artistic activity and selfcomments, to show how much importance he attached to theoretical justification of his own artistic actions.
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