VR Art
new media art, virtual reality, NetArt, Post-internet Art, virtual galleryAbstract
Compared to previous years, virtual reality has recently developed at an unprecedented speed. Philosophers have also noted the importance and philosophical dimension of Virtual Worlds, as well as their potential for the arts, as VR plays roles similar to physical reality and may be freely created. For years, artists have been interested in VR as a medium which is possible to use in the creative process and/or for exhibiting purposes. Several dimensions of VR art led me to distinguish, first of all, works functioning in physical space or hybrid works whose VR meanings are interpreted and developed as a phenomenon, and, secondly, VR works in their literal and fundamental meaning – art projects created with the intention to appear in virtual reality that is meant to be an exclusive space for their functioning. Additionally, you may have noted a few artworks or structurally linked projects inspired by the concept of the Metaverse. The paper examines selected examples of VR art and ontological components of their realities through which art penetrates and from which artworks emerge in ways that are not possible in the real world.
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