Editorial guidelines
We ask authors who submit their papers for the first time to provide accurate personal data, academic degrees, affiliation (study places), home addresses and telephone numbers. In order to avoid the phenomenon of so-called "ghostwriting", as well as "guest autorship" for works written by more than one author, please indicate co-authors with their affiliations.
In addition, each author makes a statement that he presents the original results of his scientific work and does not infringe third party rights (of natural and legal persons). The author also declares that the paper has not been published elsewhere, and does not participate in any other publishing proceedings, regardless of the nature of the publication.
Please include in the text of the article: key words, short summaries (up to 800 characters including spaces) in Polish (or English) and bibliography.
Please observe the following rules when preparing text:
a) the volume of the article should not exceed 30,000 characters (including spaces)
b) the titles of books and articles, as well as foreign language phrases, must be in italics
c) quotes and titles of journals should be placed in quotation marks
d) the distinctions in the article are indicated in bold letters
Authors can use traditional reference style. However, from the year 2016, the new reference style (APA-WNUS) is obligatory. After accepting the text to be published, the author receives detailed guidance on rebuilding footnotes based on this model.
The editor does not return unsolicited manuscripts and reserves the right to introduce shortcuts.
The journal "Melusine" allow the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
Footnotes and Abstracts
The editorial team expects works preparation in the APA-WNUS system (transcription of footnotes) according to provided patterns. Works have been published in this system since 2016.
Yet, the editorial team accepts works equipped with a classical structure of footnotes for review assessments. However, after the reception of a positive review and correction of the work, the author is obliged to reconstruct the footnotes system to the APA-WNUS according to provided patterns.
APA Pattern for "Melusine"
Abstracts should have the length which does not exceed 800 signs and they should concisely and precisely describe the content of the article, taking care of the clarity and non-metaphoricity of the approach.