Gravitational tomography as an inverse problem in the field theory


  • Stanisław Bednarek Chair of Informatics, University of Łódź, Poland


gravity, tomography, acceleration, spatial distribution, density, computation


At the beginning of the article, the simple and inverse problem in field theory is described and the term tomography is explained. There are also examples of the use of gravitational omography and its significance in Earth sciences. The main purpose of the article is to

present two practical calculation procedures intended to determine the spatial distribution of density in objects with spherical-symmetrical mass distribution. In the first procedure, the object is divided into concentric spheres of equal thickness. In the second procedure, the object is divided into concentric spheres of equal volume, which provides more precise information about the distribution of density in the outer layers of the object. The density values are obtained by solving a system of linear equations with introduced results of measurements of gravity acceleration performed with a gravimeter outside the object.


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